Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogger : Code formatting support and Blogger

It would be difficult for someone like me - being a software developer - to eschew from writing technical blog. It is a best practice to share the code and give example wherever possible. I started blogging recently and as it appears, lack of ability to format the code is becoming a major hold up for me to document every day learning if not sharing.

I am more of switching from Wiki to Blogging - and hence this problem, but there seems to be a scope for development if one can do. I have been a big fan of wiki. I absolutely love how smart macros does it offer and do all the hard I hate it when it comes to writing some code and 'Ctrl + Shft + F' short cut doesn't work. How dependent I have become on the editors is a topic - not for today's blog.

Syntax highlight is a very basic feature - I would use it day in and day out. I don't get it on blogger! I have to go to some sites to covert the code to HTML first and then replace all the HTML tags to comply with the standards.

One more thing which I miss is excel macros in WiKi. It just doesn't get limited there. Wiki seems to offer a pluggable framework. I have seen people add their own macros for various applications.

Reference Material:
Some sites I have found while I re-searched this subject online are:
  1. Java 2 Html tool converts java code into HTML and is available as online applet
  2. Built on Java2Html but offers a way to covert esp. flex action script code in HTML with syntax highlight.
  3. explains how to get formatting up and running on your blogger account
  4. If you want an HTML based tool - here is one for you. However, the flip side is that it cannot highlight the code -
  5. Something that I have read about but not tried -
Blogger may not be an obvious choice of a technology geek! There are some basic features, I would like to see before I find it addictive!

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